upcoming events

Fall FOM Meeting
Fall FOM Meeting - Tuesday, Sept 10 - 7 PM - Gateway

Spring AGM Meeting
May 22nd, 2024 7PM - Gateway Community Centre

important dates

Spring Annual General Meeting
May 22nd, 2024 7 PM - Gateway Community Centre


Last Updated: February 1, 2020, 4:21 pm
Frequently Asked Questions


Please refer to the Insurance section on the website for all items related to Insurance.


The registration deadline final roster and fees due will be announced following the AGM as we try to assess starting the league up. Teams not registered by the deadline will be fined $25. A $25 fine will be charged each week after the deadline and all matches will be defaulted until the team is registered and fees are paid. All players must be registered with the WWVL prior to participating in any matches. Any team using an illegal player with be assessed a match loss and fined $25. All teams must have a minimum of 8 players on their roster to be considered registered in the WWVL. A team must have at least 60% of its roster from the previous WWVL season to be considered a Returning Team. Players may only be registered with and play full-time on one WWVL team. Please see Section E.1 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on registration.

Joining the WWVL- FAQ's

Everything you've wanted to know about joining the league, can be found in our downloads section. Please refer to the Joining the WWVL-FAQ's document.

Rescheduling & Defaults

Teams are allowed to reschedule one match per round robin (a minimum of five days' notice is required). Playoff games may not be rescheduled. Please see Section E.4 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on rescheduling. If a team does not have 6 players at the scheduled match start time, the first set is defaulted. Fifteen minute intervals are allowed for the second and third sets. After 30 minutes, the entire match is defaulted and a match loss and $25 fine are assessed. Please see Section E.6 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on defaults.


Teams that are concerned about their ability to field enough players for an entire match may use a player registered in the same or a lower WWVL tier as a substitute (where tier 1 is the highest). Please see Section E.5 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on substitutions.


Meeting Fine Teams will be fined $100 if a representative is not present at the Fall Organizational Meeting or the Spring Annual General Meeting. Default Fine Teams will be fined $25 if they do not have at least six players on the court for a scheduled match. Illegal Player Fine Teams will be fined $25 if an illegal player participates in a match. Uniform Fine Teams will be fined $25 if a player is out of uniform after the uniform deadline. Scoresheet Fine Teams will be fined $25 for each scoresheet not received by the Tier Convenor within one week of the match. Scorecard Fine Teams will be fined $10 for failure to provide scorecards.


The uniform deadline is October 31. Uniforms must consist of same colour and style shirts (numbers on front and back). If any player is not in uniform after the deadline, the team will be fined $25. Please see Section E.3 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on uniforms.

Match Format

All matches are best of 5 sets; all sets are rally point. The first 4 sets are to 25 points and the fifth set is to 15 points. All sets must be won by 2 points. Please see Section F.1 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on match format.

Time Limits

Time limits will be imposed for all facilities with less than four hours of time for two WWVL matches. Please see Section F.2 of the WWVL Guidelines for more details on time limits.